

In object-oriented programming, an access specifier is a keyword that determines the visibility and accessibility of a class member (i.e., a field or a method) or a class itself. There are several access specifiers in different programming languages, but the most common ones are:

  1. public: Members and classes marked as public are accessible from anywhere within the program.
  2. private: Members and classes marked as private are only accessible from within the class or struct in which they are defined.
  3. protected: Members and classes marked as protected are accessible from within the class or struct in which they are defined, as well as from derived classes (i.e., classes that inherit from the class in which the member is defined).

By using access specifiers, you can control the visibility and accessibility of class members and classes, and enforce encapsulation (i.e., the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data). This can help you design more maintainable and robust software systems.

access specifier

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